Events for October 4 - April 12

Holiday Magic Lighted Santa Parade

200 Riverfront Dr. 200 Riverfront Dr., Marseilles, IL

Line up at 5 PM at 200 Riverfront Drive. Parade will begin at 6 PM. North on Main St. to Washington St. East on Washington St. to Chicago St. South on Chicago St. to Broadway St. to Aurora St. to Lincoln St. Santa stops at Knudson Park. Visits and photos with Santa. Come join the

Bus Trip To Rotary Park – 35 Seats available!

City Hall 209 Lincoln St., Marseilles, IL, United States

The City of Marseilles and Marseilles Elementary School have partnered to bring you a bus trip to see the lights at Rotary Park in LaSalle. The bus will leave City Hall at 6 PM on December 12th. RSVP here and we look forward to enjoying this evening with you! We have room for 35 guests

Polar Express Parents Night Out

MCMA 850 W. Bluff St., Marseilles, IL

 Join us for the 3rd Annual After-Christmas Party: Polar Express Parents' Night Out! Don't miss this magical evening to unwind and celebrate!  Date/Time: January 3rd5:30PM to 8:00PM  Location: 850 W. Bluff St. Marseilles

Chili Dinner at St. Joseph’s Church

St. Joseph's Church 200 Broadway St, Marseilles, IL

  Mix & Match 4 choices:• Traditional (With beans) • Chili Mac (No beans) • Chicken Chili • Chuckwagon (Steak, Pork & Corn)  

Valentine’s Party

American Legion 571 Rutland St, Marseilles, IL

Music by Tom Edwards sponsored by Mayor Hollenbeck. Live music, dancing, food and fun! Ticket $10.00 available at City Hall or Legion.

Easter Egg Hunt

Illini State Park 2660 E 2350th Rd, Marseilles, IL

Easter Egg Hunt Annual Easter Egg Hunt hosted by Marseilles Recreation!